Destiny 2 Review
Bungie has created an epic story from the beginning, a vast universe, and characters that you actually start to care about. With the first installment there were issues, but with each installment Bungie keeps living up to our expectations. Destiny 2 proves this all over again.
The plot of Destiny 2 is all about an underdog who became a warlord. Dominus Ghaul, a runt who had a hard upbringing in the Cabal faction. Now he’s in charge, and leading the Cabal Red Legion people in an attack on Earth. Spending all his life feeling like nothing has made him bitter, and he wants the Travelers power all for himself. He captures the traveler and disrupts its light giving power draining all Guardians and Ghosts of their regenerative magic. Your mission is to stop him!
New players to Destiny won’t be lost in the story line. As the missions plays out you learn all about the characters, and their relationships to each other in a series of cut scenes, and character interactions. As you get deeper into the game you will find yourself maybe even sympathizing with Ghaul and wondering if he can change. Can he be saved or will he be destroyed. It just won’t be the Cabal faction your facing. As any Destiny player knows, the alien factions in the game are vast.
There are three character types to choose from Hunter, Warlock and Titan, that have been revamped from the last game. As you play you’ll level up and collect skill points to unlock new abilities. As usual there are patrols, strikes, and raids, and mission where your ghost will need to scan things while you fight off alien spawns. You can collect rare weapons along the way, learn their powers, and customize them with your characters skins.
New to the game is a map you can pull up anytime that displays current missions and adventures. You can also see a brilliant evolution of graphics and animation. The planets are spectacular with each planet having its own unique environment. You’ll learn to navigate the different climates; you could be climbing tree tops, or cave diving. Each planet has its own set of side missions some of them can be lengthy but very rewarding.
Destiny is a multiplayer positive game. The game limits strangers being able to chat with you. However, as you play through the game you will find yourself moving in and out of public spaces. In these public spaces you will be fighting to defeat large armies of alien factions alongside your friends, and strangers. Anyone who enters during the mission is a part of your team. You’ll be able to see these public events on the map and hop into the action. Your participation in these public battles promises lots of experience points, and some pretty good loot.
And lets not forget Destiny has some of the best gun play out there.
My house is a house full of gamers. We have enjoyed Destiny and continue to explore this game. It’s been a big hit, and this latest installment was no different.